Best Mart i Paramaribo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SurinamBest Mart



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36, Jozef Israelstraat, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 550-878
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.8546018, Longitude: -55.1375274

kommentar 5

  • Jan Jose

    Jan Jose


    Empty racks. Limited fresh produce.

  • Leandro Zaalman

    Leandro Zaalman


    Too pricey, it's not meant for the poor or people with low incomes. The rich can stay there whole day.

  • Sha-Ira Chierkoet

    Sha-Ira Chierkoet


    It's a good supermarket with affordable prices and everything you need. The only thing I don't like about the place is that the isles aren't named, so you have to walk around the whole store to find what you're looking for or you have to find one of the staff members to help point out where you can find a certain product. They are very nice and helpful people.

  • R N

    R N


    They have a large assortiment and sometimes have better deals than tulip or choice supermarket. However the way they rack their items is a bit unorganized. So for a better shopping experience i would recommend choice or tulip.

  • manojkumar daryanani

    manojkumar daryanani


    Decent variety of grocery at competitive prices, but the personell need to perk up and gain knowledge/ location of items on the racks. Visual training required for some select items for them to identify, and suggest location to customers. It will be of great help. And lastly, switching off lights at midday makes the supermarket dark and gives an uneasy feeling to the shopper. Marketing includes good display and display in the dark is not very encouraging. Not all items are "glow in the dark". For the rest, a good job. Keep it up. And make it bright, please, we love to shop at Best Mart.

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