Eethuisje Boeroe i Nieuw Nickerie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SurinamEethuisje Boeroe



🕗 åbningstider

48, F. O. Lashleystraat, Nieuw Nickerie, Nieuw Nickerie, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 210-789
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 5.9438292, Longitude: -56.9970425

kommentar 5

  • Sunaina



    Service was bad! Not recommended!! The girl who came to take the order was not friendly at all, there was no smile on her face. Not even after mentioning this. We placed our order, specifically stating our wishes, but the lady had her earpods in, so she didn't understand us... Also appointed to bring beer first, she brings it last… As an excuse, she called an egg with the saoto a mistake by the kitchen... After we mentioned our complaints, she sighed in our faces. Food was okay. Nicely decorated. Conclusion: don't come, it's a waste of your time and energy to make it a fun day. No service at all!

  • Pablo Fernando Filippo

    Pablo Fernando Filippo


    We had a delicious chicken chop suey!

  • Soerinder Chhatta

    Soerinder Chhatta


    Sweet, good, nice food and friendly staff

  • Direct Trending

    Direct Trending


    Delicious Indonesian food

  • Robin Hood

    Robin Hood


    Nice and clean restaurant, friendly staff. The meals are very good and very reasonable priced.

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