Knini Paati i Sipaliwini

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SurinamKnini Paati



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Boven-Suriname Aurora, Sipaliwini, Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 885-9355
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.3839312, Longitude: -55.3878686

kommentar 5

  • johanna zwart

    johanna zwart


    Was an excellent way to get to see Suriname. Loads of activities. The staff were friendly and helpful. The guides were knowledgeable. Great place for kids too. Highly recommend this place. Delicious food.

  • Phil Buckley

    Phil Buckley


    This is a beautiful resort where you can relax to the max. The food is fabulous and the staff are very friendly. I would strongly recommend coming to this resort.

  • Peter Hofman

    Peter Hofman


    Wonderful experience! A really good place to enjoy nature, and get disconnected. The food was amazing! The staff is super friendly. We will come back for sure! I absolutely recommend going there!

  • JP Flores

    JP Flores


    We stayed here for 3 nights, in Lodge 1. We were well taken care of. They've cleaned the swimming pool, which we used almost every day. The food was great. The lodge was clean and the scenery was amazing. The water is indeed quite high, which caused some problems. However Nelson and his crew provided alternatives to keep everyone happy and relaxed. Knini Paati is probably the most luxurious resort in the region.

  • I YRM

    I YRM


    Amazing resort. Delicious food, really nice staff, great lodges and the excursions were also really fun. I am vegetarian and the food they made especially for us was great too! We could even swim in the Suriname river.

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