Krispy Kasabaholo w Paramaribo

SurinamKrispy Kasabaholo


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

129, Kasabaholoweg, Paramaribo, Tammenga, SR Suriname
kontakt telefon: +597
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.8228146, Longitude: -55.2137815

komentarze 2

  • Super diesel

    Super diesel


  • Ryan



    The staff is really rude and unprofessional. We walked in and the girl in the front rolled her eyes (note: we were the only costumers). We place our order and while we were ordering the girl shouted to the other girl: another one. And the other girl made a angry sound. After that while they were preparing our orders one girl said: it smells good. The other one replied: yes, but it tastes bad. How can they say that in front of costumers. And the icing on the cake was: the third worker sitting in the front and eating?? And after all this super bad service, the shakes were not blended well, the ice was still in cubes so it wasn’t a blended milk smoothie but just ice with flavored milk. (We went 22 april 2023 around 5 o’clock). Bad bad bad. Will never return.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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