LEXZI i Tamanredjo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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QXPQ+FWM, Tamanredjo, Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 896-2108
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Latitude: 5.7862151, Longitude: -55.0102044

kommentar 5

  • mure zao

    mure zao


    Located on the road to Paramaribo, the cuisine is simple and tasty, perfect for dining with friends or family on the way there and back. Insta:yana_farm973

  • Sylvie C.

    Sylvie C.


    I loved this place and the little extra the boss speaks French

  • Droned Su

    Droned Su


    Nice food!

  • Roodkapje van het Bos

    Roodkapje van het Bos


    He was the very first warung on Tamanredjo who sold, among other things, a hair salon and the rest were his followers. But of course he sells many more tasty things. The atmosphere is good, cozy and very customer friendly. It is also the most visited warung on Tamanredjo and for good reason. Because others have also discovered that he sells quality. It cannot be compared to other warungs. Many schoolchildren also eat with him. He is young and progressive. Feel free to sit there and eat. Because Lexzi is absolutely recommended 👍

  • Morino Ravenberg

    Morino Ravenberg


    This restaurant used to be good in terms of ordering food, I especially loved their buffalo wings, but now those same wings taste like poop; the misery started when they start adding less pepper to the point where does buffalo wings are almost tasteless now it's like I'm eating old meat wrapped in thick sauce Etc. To be honest and fair though, they're not the only business that has this problem because the majority of businesses in Suriname only good for a short while in terms of enjoyment. In Surinamese they'd say "Deng mang na zeven even" Most businesses here as well as people have an expiration date, of only two months.

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