Mighty Racks i Paramaribo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SurinamMighty Racks



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18, Van Sommelsdijckstraat, Paramaribo, Rainville, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 520-458
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Latitude: 5.8298108, Longitude: -55.1482605

kommentar 5

  • Prith Jai

    Prith Jai


    Nice place. Waiting time was less. Although the waiter totally forget my last drink that I ordered after finishing my food

  • Rodney Warning

    Rodney Warning


    The service is without a smile (even after asking nicely for a smile!), the food looks just as nice as on Social Media, but tastes average. Overall: the whole place is overrated. If you don't go, you won't miss anything.

  • Rohit Bechan

    Rohit Bechan


    I enjoyed my experience at Mighty Racks. The service was excellent, and our food arrived promptly. The BangBang burger and grilled chicken were tasty, but I was disappointed that the fries lacked flavor. Overall, a positive visit with room for improvement in the seasoning of the fries.

  • labusti



    We enjoyed an early dinner. I had picahna and hubby had a combo plate of three meats. Nice appetizers. I was surprised nothing came hot as the restaurant was empty. Food was tasty, although I do like my meals hot if possible.

  • Dian mo

    Dian mo


    I visited mighty racks after a very long time. We had a Arabian chicken with fries and a pork with mashed potatoes. The chicken was really dry and fries where not fresh imo. The mashed potatoes however where good and the pork tasted better than then chicken. The service was good as was the ambiance.

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