NEW KOWLOON HOTEL i Nieuw Nickerie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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76, A. K. Doergasawstraat, Nieuw Nickerie, Nieuw Nickerie, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597
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Latitude: 5.9427808, Longitude: -56.9922427

kommentar 1

  • Celifiano Kromopawiro

    Celifiano Kromopawiro


    Communication with the person going over reservation was good. Central location of the hotel with supermarkets, banks and restaurants within walking distance. The rooms of the hotel is on the first floor while the dining room (where breakfast is served from 08:30 - 09:00) is on the main floor. Check-in and Check-out is at 10:00. The breakfast is mediocre (see picture) but included in the price. We had 3 different room: 1. Double room with 2 single beds 2. Double room with 1 queen size bed 3. Family room with 2 queen size beds All the room have A/C and their own bathroom; the family room we had even had a bathtub The rooms didn't have any towels in them (we didn't have any in these rooms) and the toilet in the family room we had was partially broken (see pictures) The television in all the rooms where the old models ones with a digital tv box installed on it. None of the rooms have a safe, room refrigerator and other appliances e.g. coffeemaker, microwave and/or stove. The beds are all wooden with a soft matras on it and small foam-filled pillows topped of with a small thin blanket. The hotel has free wi-fi and is good and stable. Free Parking is available at the front of the hotel. There is a karaoke bar besides the hotel who sometimes have karaoke night till 02:00 in the morning. And night the hotel has a security guard/reception The verdict: If you plan on staying at The New Kowloon Hotel keep the above mentioned points in mind. We were there for a swimmeet and we didnt book another hotel in advance. When we went searching for either a better hotel or appartement, no place could accommodate our group of 6 adults and 3 kids for a period of 4 days, especially on Easter.

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