Padre Nostro w Paramaribo

SurinamPadre Nostro



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Koninginnestraat, 11, Paramaribo, Suriname
kontakt telefon: +597 864-9163
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Latitude: 5.8319785, Longitude: -55.1543002

komentarze 5

  • Geoff Warner

    Geoff Warner


    When I tell you that this place is unbelievable… Im actually understating it. The food is authentic Italian. Some of the best Ive had. The ice cream / sorbet is out of this world. You must try the Mope and Moekesa. Do not miss out on this hidden gem when you're visiting Suriname!

  • Petr Vasicek

    Petr Vasicek


    The food is authentically italian, so are the prices. But carbonara tastes really like it should. Wine was good (ask for better than their normal, they found a bottle of Montelpuciano for me), but the pour was very small considering it was 5 dollars. I tried the ice cream but didn't like it so much.

  • Timothy Lie

    Timothy Lie


    Of all the pasta and pizza places in Suriname, Padre Nostro definitely stands out. Best pasta and pizza in the country hands down, the flavor is close to traditional. Compared to other italian restaurants out there in the world, I would rate it a 3 out of 5 stars, but in Suriname it’s definitely a 5 out of 5 since there isn’t any good pasta in Suriname except Padre Nostro. I ordered the carbonara and a slice of pepperoni pizza. They also have ice cream. The woman let us try a baka bana ice cream, I was surprised at first because I can’t imagine baka bana in an ice cream taste. So she took a small spoon, started to scoop a taste bit of their madam jeanette ice cream, bit of their peanut ice cream and a bit of their banana ice cream, and when you eat it together, it really taste like baka bana. My mind was blown! 🤯

  • Cheryl Carpenter

    Cheryl Carpenter


    This is a tiny trattoria with 5 or six tables. The pasta was tasty. The carbonara is made the way Italians make it, without cream and with smoked lardons which is a good thing. If you want a creamy dish I recommend the tagliatelli with salmon. The only minus is a lack of fresh parmesan, but the dishes are so tasty we barely missed it. The crowning glory of this restaurant however, is the comprehensive selection of 'Italian' ice cream made with local exotic fruits. Many customers came into the restaurant while we were dining just for ice cream. Ellen lets you sample various flavours before buying and offers amazing combinations. One example was a combination of bacova (tiny bananas), peanut and madame Jeanette (hot peppers), which together taste just like 'baka bana' (fried plantains with spicey peanut sauce). We will be back.

  • John Tjon

    John Tjon


    I live in the US, but am a native of Surinam. Growing up in Surinam I've learned to appreciate many tropical fruits they have to offer. So, when my brother told me about this place and their Gelato style ice cream blended with the local tropical fruits I had to try it. There were many flavors, but I ended up with the passion fruit called markoesa locally. The flavor couldn't be more accurate in and ice cream form. Yummy! The prices are very reasonable as well. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

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