Republic Bank Suriname NV i Paramaribo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SurinamRepublic Bank Suriname NV



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Grote Kerk Straat, Paramaribo, Centrum, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 471-555
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.8277134, Longitude: -55.155476

kommentar 5

  • roana xo

    roana xo


    Nice building, good service , very cool atmosphere.

  • Matthew West

    Matthew West


    This was the only ATM I could find that allowed me to use my US debit card to withdraw SRD. The only issue is that either the exchange rate isn't so good or they charge an ATM fee and don't tell you. I took out the equivalent of 50USD but was charged 57USD.

  • Stefan Kraft

    Stefan Kraft


    This Republic Bank (and another Republican branch) saved our vacation in Suriname as it allowed us to pull out actual cash from its ATM outside the bank. This cannot be said for DSB, Fina or any other bank’s ATM we tried. A restaurant employee told us that the reason for the smoothness of Republican ATMs supposedly lies in the fact that the headquarters of this bank are in Trinidad, rather than Suriname itself. Given the fact that credit card transactions are also rather tricky (or flat out non-existent) in Suriname, cash is critical, and Republican bank delivered for us!

  • Magic11



    Worst bank I’ve done business with. ZERO Customer Service. I’m not sure if they even know what that means. To Management: You should be EMBARRASSED. Do something about your service!!! I have to literally wait 30 minutes while listening to your stupid annoying song and then the connection automatically disconnects. And on top of that…this has been going on for yearssssss!!!

  • Polina Abramson

    Polina Abramson


    The ATM to withdraw US dollars is broken and the tellers will not give US dollars from an international account.

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