Rita's restaurant in Domburg

SurinameRita's restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

Domburg 12e straat, Domburg, Domburg, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.6769812, Longitude: -55.0828412

opmerkingen 5

  • Guus Verweij

    Guus Verweij



  • Willem Bloem

    Willem Bloem


    Lovely place for lunch with various delicious Javanese dishes, nice trip out of town from Paramaribo. Good and clean facilities, quick to serve, very friendly service with a smile

  • Mark



    Fantastic food, vibe and Parbo beer!

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    Domburg has a new restaurant. It is Rita's Javanese restaurant. She and her partner have worked on it for about 3 years. and tonight is the opening night. The restaurant looks wonderful. Its amazing what they have accomplished. The restaurant is a great asset to our village Domburg. Way to go RITA !! You can get there Javanese cuisine and french fries dishes. Note: in the weekend Rita had specialties like Berkat and Nasy Rama's.

  • Erik Kuiper

    Erik Kuiper


    Rita is in the restaurant business for over 20 years. She and her partner opened today their own restaurant. And it looks wonderful. Rita's restaurant is a wonderful contribution to our village Domburg. She serves Javanese cuisine, among some french fries and stuff. The restaurant looks great give it a try.

Restaurant in de buurt

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