River Breeze Hotel i Nieuw Nickerie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SurinamRiver Breeze Hotel


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W2X3+2RW, Nieuw Nickerie, Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 210-926
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Latitude: 5.9476025, Longitude: -56.9954268

kommentar 5

  • Mikhail Makarov

    Mikhail Makarov


    Planned to live in Concord on the next street, but it didn't work. The room has a fairly comfortable bed. Not perfectly clean, but tolerable. Only cold water. Nice people - staff. There was an early departure, about 7 am before the ferry, no problems. Poor sound insulation. The window faces the inner corridor, but there is air conditioning. Stable Wi-Fi. There is soap, bed linen, towels. Per night 450 Surinamese dollars, in my opinion the price is adequate compared to other offers in the city. In general, you can spend the night.

  • Chaitram Phagoo

    Chaitram Phagoo


    Great place.

  • enny kroes

    enny kroes


  • Robby Jhingoeriesingh

    Robby Jhingoeriesingh


    I went to eat next to the hotel and actually wanted to ask what that girl's name was. She is Javanese and wears glasses. I met her that same day in focus when she went to buy slippers.

  • Aryan Singh

    Aryan Singh


    the rooms are very small but the price is very cheap US23

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