Seliba River Glamping i Phaedra

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SurinamSeliba River Glamping



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Seliba, Phaedra, Marchallkreek, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 421-157
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.3417814, Longitude: -55.0247782

kommentar 5

  • Gaiy Koopman

    Gaiy Koopman


    Great tour Seliba, with guide Leon, spotting so many animals, birds, sloth, spiders, snake and a baby kayman superrrr breakfast every day. Very special to enjoy the beautiful nature in Suriname in this way. To be repeated!

  • Roy Johannink

    Roy Johannink


    From the nice welcome by Lonne and Leon, it was a pleasure. Nice teepees right on the Suriname River, soooo beautiful. The 'campsite' is really nice, lounge with comfortable sofas, hammocks, all kinds of games. The kids also had a great time with our WiFi ;-): fishing, SUPing, swimming, diving and jumping from the jetty, looking for animals (at night, on the water, in the jungle)... in short: great recommended!

  • Manon Zijlstra

    Manon Zijlstra


    Are you bankrupt or something? Been trying to get in touch for weeks.

  • Jonathan VHemelrijk

    Jonathan VHemelrijk


    The Dutch couple who run this resort care about their customers. Excellent service, tasty food, great location. Everything is possible and nothing is necessary. At this place you can really enjoy and relax as a couple. Recommended!

  • M4rk CMS

    M4rk CMS


    Slept here for 2 nights. We had a great time. Fantastic place on the water, good care and great nature around us! Definitely recommended!

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