Tian You in Paramaribo

SurinameTian You



🕗 openingstijden

96, Martin Luther Kingweg, Livorno, Paramaribo, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 855-5770
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.7711928, Longitude: -55.1758812

opmerkingen 5

  • Ben de Bok

    Ben de Bok


    Nice drinks and freshly made. Blackcurrant with tapioca is our favorite

  • ohmdoer gaming

    ohmdoer gaming


    I usually get the iced coffee but my sister love White Rabbit is pretty good

  • Joan Geerlings

    Joan Geerlings


    Ordered Blueberry Smooty with Tapioca. It's nice, could have a little more bleuberries in it or some acid to brighten up the taste. The Tapioca was 😋😋😋 Note: Asked if we could also use the small bowl of Soato soup there, while we were also having the Smooty..... That was very dispassionately refused. I offered to clean everything up and take the containers myself. No one else was there at the time.... 🤔 Could be a win-win, to attract people from neighboring Warung = cash register 🤑 for them..... But yes..... Their merchant skils doesn't reach that far.... 🤷🏽 Also unsportsmanlike!!!

  • Giovanni Banani

    Giovanni Banani


    The White Rabbit Oreo with Tapioca is an instant favorite of mine. But there are plenty of other choices

  • Ricky “Ricky405jr” Ramzan

    Ricky “Ricky405jr” Ramzan


    Great service!

Cafe in de buurt

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