TU MATI Mobiele Snackbar i Paramaribo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SurinamTU MATI Mobiele Snackbar


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Jan Steenstraat, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 883-9877
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 5.8463474, Longitude: -55.1384905

kommentar 5

  • Syreeta Esther

    Syreeta Esther


    My go to boba place! Taro milktea is my favourite, but if you are up for something original try the kakastong slush.. you will not be dissapointed. The chicken salad with garlic dressing is also very tasty. Service is friendly & fast.

  • Vally Mac-Intosh

    Vally Mac-Intosh


    Great service, fast and friendly. My children enjoyed the Strawberry Smoothie and I really liked the Coffee. Thumbs up.

  • jim deb

    jim deb


    Great service, the best soups and the burgers have a special taste...Just love this Mobile truck...One of my fav spots...

  • smiley 07

    smiley 07


    Love the boba and food is very nice, and they are always fast❕💗

  • Merrel Rustenberg

    Merrel Rustenberg


    Great food satisfied with the taste,the Quality and the Service. Milk tea is delicious!

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