Anton de Kom University in Tammenga

SurinameAnton de Kom University


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🕗 openingstijden

Leysweg 86, Tammenga, Tammenga, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 465-558
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8128593, Longitude: -55.2172533

opmerkingen 5

  • Sharesh Mahabier

    Sharesh Mahabier


    Teachers unmotivated, unreal school times, students don't get listened to. Good luck to everyone trying to graduate!

  • melroy gordon

    melroy gordon


    This place needs a lot of improvements for it to operate as a tertiary institution. In addition to the accreditation, the setting looks lowleveled as well.

  • PBM SR

    PBM SR


    Too bad that not everything is internationally accredited; read on the news that one of the professors hit a student! Many students know that graduating from this university is not easy because some professors make it hard for the students on purpose!

  • Björn Sanches

    Björn Sanches


    I am proud of this university... Keep on doing the good work 👏👏👏

  • Varsh M

    Varsh M


    Undeveloped, not even good wi-fi on campus. Classrooms are outdated with broken AC's .Docents are unqualified and/or unexperienced. The courses are very limited and very poorly organized. It's just Chaos.

Universiteit in de buurt

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