Azteca Exotic Foods in Paramaribo

SurinameAzteca Exotic Foods



🕗 openingstijden

5, Armandstraat, Paramaribo, Welgelegen, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 433-369
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8412358, Longitude: -55.1987146

opmerkingen 5

  • Sheila Tjoe A On-Pawiro

    Sheila Tjoe A On-Pawiro


    Exotic food, with a different twist. Quantity great, quality top! Small quosy place outdoors, not busy, but great for times like covid. The service is excellent. The management shows that you can dine fine without overpaying. Already spreading the word within my community😍😍

  • Ima B

    Ima B


    Their food is AMAZING! Tastes great and leaves you wanting more ❤

  • K B

    K B


    The Aztec doubles are recommended to try it out! Friendly people. Great ambiance.

  • Trev H (Trevie)

    Trev H (Trevie)


    New place for me, great tasting food. Will try it again

  • Zahira Dorder

    Zahira Dorder


    Great tasting doubles, great value for money. Ordered for the office and nothing but smiles at the polite delivery man, the neatly packaged items and the tasty chicken doubles. No over-spiced food, everything was just right. Will be ordering again. 👍🏾

Restaurant in de buurt

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