Baank Shipping in Paramaribo

SurinameBaank Shipping



🕗 openingstijden

Industrieweg Zuid, Paramaribo, Livorno, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 680-2322
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.7980911, Longitude: -55.1754148

opmerkingen 5

  • Melany Rustveld

    Melany Rustveld


    They stole, after 2 months+ my boxes arrived, very poor service. This must be made known far and wide. Very customer unfriendly and rude. Beware of your goods. They are stealing. They want a lot of money but they are bad - 0.0 is the number (negative) You have been warned!!!!!!

  • Ros Sadiek

    Ros Sadiek


    Unfortunately you cannot give a ZERO, so just a 1 For not answering while you are paid to speak to people, not to mention the lack of empathy and friendliness among your employees. No wonder that in years you have dropped from 4/5 stars to 1 star. WORK ON YOUR HOSTMANSHIP!

  • Cees Laan

    Cees Laan


    Long waiting times

  • Ghirrao A.

    Ghirrao A.


    Very poor service, worst package service there is, a bunch of useless people

  • Lonter Fonter

    Lonter Fonter


    You are a bad company with even worse service. Rude employees of mine, you get one star but you deserve a zero.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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