Bus Station in Paramaribo

SurinameBus Station


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🕗 openingstijden

Centrum, Paramaribo, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8250468, Longitude: -55.156807

opmerkingen 5

  • Andromalic Gamer

    Andromalic Gamer


    Beste bus station in suriname maar de halte aan de dr. Sophie redmondstraat is beter

  • shivam kamaansing

    shivam kamaansing


    Bushalte. Als er maar meer zitplaatsen waren om op de bus te wachten.

  • Alex Downes

    Alex Downes


    Buses were amazingly colourful and "Wilde"!

  • Hanooman Posse

    Hanooman Posse


    This is what it means to travel! You arrive at a bus station and it's nothing like what your use to, the inner yanky comes out and starts with the 'where's the signs, where's help desk the free wifi? fugget I"m going back to my junk culture usa. OR you get over yourself and adapt, talk to people, get into conversation with folks around. ALWAYS there's ppl who speak english and give you directions and if your cool a few phone numbers! It was great experience for me and I made some good friends there.

  • en

    Kartodikoro Fabian



Bushalte in de buurt

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