Choi's Supermarket Noord in Paramaribo

SurinameChoi's Supermarket Noord



🕗 openingstijden

99, Twee Kinderenweg, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 451-688
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8485615, Longitude: -55.1343087

opmerkingen 5

  • Ilva Dayo

    Ilva Dayo


    A very nice big supermarket with a huge variety of International products especially Dutch ones. Lots of employees and very clean.

  • Shiva Bagoo

    Shiva Bagoo


    This was basically a one stop shop. One of the largest supermarkets I've ever been to with the availability of everything you can think off. The staff were also extremely helpful.

  • Jonortet 86

    Jonortet 86


    This is the best supermarket in Surinam.

  • Roy Van Tholl

    Roy Van Tholl


    This supermarket is very good, in the supermarket you got have fresh orange juice freshly squeezed by a machine, you can buy plenty of cheese the cheese mozzarella and an Italian cheese's and I think they also have cheddar cheese you got find drinks especially prime, you can find Asian products you can find Suriname's snacks and national dishes (ingredients to make the national dishes) overall this is very very good supermarket for Guyanese and English English tourist to visit

  • Bahadir



    One of the biggest Supermarket in Paramaribo. There is North and South. This is North one. There is International and local products meats vegetable breads alcohol fruits you can find almost everything. There big car park too.

Supermarkt in de buurt

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