C&Y Coffee + Roasters in Paramaribo

SurinameC&Y Coffee + Roasters



🕗 openingstijden

38, Gompertstraat, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 550-661
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8430189, Longitude: -55.1431608

opmerkingen 5

  • Tony Wong

    Tony Wong


    Very modern and relaxing, the drinks are very fresh and good. The food is quite tasty. Great place to meet up with buddies.

  • Cornelus Tol

    Cornelus Tol


    a beautifully decorated restaurant, where you can buy many small snacks, cakes, pastries and sandwiches to take away or to use there. There is also an extensive menu. Unfortunately, Wi-Fi is not always available.

  • Yeni Gutfer

    Yeni Gutfer


    Great place to meet some friends and have a snack or breakfast. They have variety of sweet dishes that cannot be found in other places. Besides the environment is quiet warm.

  • Nick



    Very good cappuccino, as it should be. Best coffee I had in Paramaribo. Beautiful place as well! Bring cash or local cards. Visa/Maestro/MasterCard not accepted. Enjoy!

  • Calcen Chan

    Calcen Chan


    Nice place to have an ice coffee and chill, talk or kill time. Food and drinks: The bubble tea and ice coffee were good. A bit sweet, but I think you can request less sugar if you really wanted to. There were pastries and other small snacks. There isn't a lot to choose from, about 15 variety. And there's cakes too. Place and feel: Casual, but very cozy. Nice ceiling piece in the center to take photos. They have good seats too. Good quiet place to chill and have a chat with an ice coffee with some small pastries. Staff and service: When we're there, it wasn't full at all. They had about 3 staff for serving the tables. The staff were friendly. Brought our drinks with a smile. Most people just come in for take away.

Cafe in de buurt

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