Grand Roopram Roti Restaurant in Paramaribo

SurinameGrand Roopram Roti Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

23, Zwartenhovenbrug Straat, Paramaribo, Centrum, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 410-338
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8284011, Longitude: -55.1607928

opmerkingen 5

  • andy nguyen

    andy nguyen


    Greasy and delicious chicken roti! Get your hands ready to eat it!

  • Sietse Goffard

    Sietse Goffard


    Highly recommend their chicken curry and roti

  • Taylor Harris

    Taylor Harris


    Really good Roti, not the fanciest of places as it is more fast food style, but the food is absolutely excellent. I would recommend the chicken or goat roti

  • Petr Vasicek

    Petr Vasicek


    Decent place to try roti, options with vegetables, chicken, liver, duck and lamb. The chicken is around 80, for lamb >300 srd.

  • Nate Church

    Nate Church


    I absolutely love this place. Delicious food, enjoyable vibe, fantastic atmosphere, friendly employees, and reasonable prices. I ate here frequently when living in Suriname because they have some of the best food in town. Roti is amazing. We never had to worry about parking, we only ever walked or biked here, but it was well worth it. If you're looking for a restaurant to visit in Suriname, Roopram should definitely be on your list. Their masala and curry is incredibly delectable. A must visit place when in Suriname!

Restaurant in de buurt

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