Hakrinbank in Paramaribo




🕗 openingstijden

Jaggernath Lachmonstraat, Paramaribo, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 497-875
website: www.hakrinbank.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8123727, Longitude: -55.2083641

opmerkingen 5

  • Shaktie Goerdat

    Shaktie Goerdat


  • PBM SR

    PBM SR


    Working speed here is a problem. When. You're in a hurry don't bother going. You have to wait in a long line to get to the info desk, and sometimes you find out you have to follow another line to do the thing you came for. VERY Inefficient way of working. They aren't open in the afternoon so you actually need to take a day off to visit. Take an. Example from DSB Bank! 1 of their units is open way past banking hours. Very. Convenient.

  • en

    Sharun Mark


  • en

    Roelof C Pot


    Professional and kind. Good support.

  • Trev H

    Trev H


    Sometimes you have a long line for doing your business, especially at the end of the month

Bank in de buurt

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