Jawa in Paramaribo




🕗 openingstijden

7, Kasabaholoweg, Paramaribo, Flora, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 492-691
website: restaurantjawa.blogspot.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8256309, Longitude: -55.1999231

opmerkingen 5

  • Peter Lau

    Peter Lau


    They close very early at 6 pm and opens at 11 am. Spicy Nasi, Saoto is my favorite !

  • Vincent Hooplot

    Vincent Hooplot


    Good Javanese food. The foid is of good quality. The assortment is somewhat limited as they didn't have desserts.

  • Luis Lane

    Luis Lane


    Good food, nice atmosphere, happy to see a lot of families going there! The Rendang Padang was great and different (I am a foreigner and really enjoyed this plate since it’s meat, spicy, savory and a bit sweet too).

  • Kim B.

    Kim B.


    Delicious Indonesian food and dawet. The staff was very friendly. Definitely try it!

  • Gerson Castanera

    Gerson Castanera


    One of my favorite go to restaurants in Suriname! You will get amazing food for a reasonable price. Jawa brought the taste of Indonesia in Suriname. Two person can share a dish if you are not a heavy eater. I did lunch plus dinner and the food quality was the same. Great place to visit.

Restaurant in de buurt

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