Kleine Historie in Paramaribo

SurinameKleine Historie


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🕗 openingstijden

Mr. J.C. De Miranda Straat, Paramaribo, Centrum, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8261388, Longitude: -55.1525811

opmerkingen 5

  • Bianca Bee

    Bianca Bee


    Best guesthouse in Suriname. Nice, clean and cheap place to stay. Very friendly staff. I enjoyed being here.

  • Mijnsen Sarah

    Mijnsen Sarah


    It's really peaceful and you have your privacy.staff is very polite and I love the fact that the room have names of early famous Surinamese. I loved staying there.

  • Paul Rausch

    Paul Rausch


    The manager seems more interested in making a few dollars and creating an environment of intimidation than doing the right thing and creating a fair environment for guests. The employees do a great job of keeping the place clean and seem very interested in running the place well, however with the 'manager' I had a very different experience. On my reservation there was a small error (two people instead of one), a helpful employee offered to correct the error. For doing so the manager punished him and told me it was impossible to fix, which is an obvious lie (a quick email to booking fixed the issue). Be aware that the credit card machine appears intentionally broken, and perhaps has always been broken. It may in fact just be plugged in for show alone. It's one of those hotels with an unethical owner who would rather make a few extra dollars from each guest than run an honest business.

  • Adam Thrush

    Adam Thrush


    I stayed here last year for a week. The amazing customer service by both the owners and staff was very much appreciated. Best place to stay in all of the Guyanas! Plenty of info on Paramaribo and Suriname as well!

  • Tal Ely

    Tal Ely


    Very nice place, the staff is very helpful and makes you feel welcome. Breakfast, although rather simple, is a great addition.

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