Mirosso w Paramaribo




🕗 godziny otwarcia

104, Josephine Samson Greenstraat, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
kontakt telefon: +597 455-362
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.8475277, Longitude: -55.1261259

komentarze 5

  • Bram Portnoy

    Bram Portnoy


    This was an authentic top notch place. The beef/coconut soup is not to be missed. The pandan dawet - (coconut drink) was also amazing along with the cherry juice and tamarind juice.

  • Onika G

    Onika G


    It was my first time having this type of food. It was different yet tasty in its own way. We had the nasi rames and the lemongrass dawet. I wouldnt mind trying them again

  • Robert Woodard

    Robert Woodard


    Great Javanese style food! Food was served quickly and was excellent. Very reasonable cost. Unfortunately, service was lacking and it was difficult to get drink refills, the check, etc… Also, the atmosphere was a bit lacking. Place seemed a bit cluttered and could use a deep clean and remodel.

  • Clinton den Hartog

    Clinton den Hartog


    Food was AWESOME great taste and good amount

  • Fa M

    Fa M


    Okay so here's the thing about Mirosso, The area they're in, makes them seem really clean and fancy compared to the other restaurants in the street. Their inside is pretty, very indonesian themed. They have an outdoor and indoor space. The indoor space is air conditioned. Their food is pretty well made, some dishes even get decorated. Their personnel is pretty friendly and the service has been quite quick for all the times i've been there. You might want to reserve during weekends tho, because it gets pretty crowded.

najbliższy Restauracja

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