Plantage Frederiksdorp in Paramaribo

SurinamePlantage Frederiksdorp


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🕗 openingstijden

Prinsessestraat, Paramaribo, Johan & Margaretha, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 820-0378
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.888477, Longitude: -55.0330522

opmerkingen 5

  • Téva D

    Téva D


    Swimming pool and deck is great and calm

  • Madhuri Ganesh

    Madhuri Ganesh


    It's a very well maintained historic place (coffee plantation in the 1700s). There is a restaurant, bar and swimming pool available. The food was very good and the staff was friendly. The guide showed us around and he spoke about what it used to be like on the plantations. They also have some antique bits and pieces on display. There also was a very friendly female ginger cat, so it is really worth a visit.

  • E E

    E E


    Great retreat with so much potential.. Beautiful cabanas in a beautiful surroundings. You need a boat to arrive there. One piece of advice to the property management: Train your staff on Customer Service and how to address your clients. Your staff look and act like they would rather be anywhere else than working there. Their responses to our questions made us feel not welcomed, and they come across like they don't care whether we are there or not... Attitude zero..

  • Joey Zalman

    Joey Zalman


    Amazing ecoresort in along the river, surrounded by very friendly villages, wetlands and mangrove forest. The resort includes a cultural museum, swimming pool and cultural hiking trails. From this resort it was easy to plan excursions to other highlights in the area. Definitely recommended for at leas a night or 2.

  • Kevin Ngadimin

    Kevin Ngadimin


    It was a day out for me and my friends we loved the atmosphere the buildings , sadly we did bot get to enjoy the pool because that was undergoing renovations. But we enjoyed the food. We took some long walks but we where ill prepared for the forest walk ( if you go pack long sleeves mosquito gel and wear closed footwear those ants are no joke.) After a long day of exploring we got to eat some sauto and some chicken pasta.

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