Popeyes in Lelydorp




🕗 openingstijden

Indira Gandhiweg, Lelydorp, Lelydorp, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 369-191
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.6947598, Longitude: -55.217103

opmerkingen 5

  • Jenice Wongsoredjo

    Jenice Wongsoredjo


    The food is good, according to their well-known standard. But sometimes it takes too long before you get your order, I don't know why. The staff is okay 👍

  • Raishri R.

    Raishri R.


    The burgers are out of this worldddd!

  • roana xo

    roana xo


    Went to get take out and ordered 2 pc chicken combo and double fun deal 4 pc chicken with fries. Unlike the times I've ordered previously, the chicken tasted dry and had a burnt aftertaste, the iconic Cajun taste was missing as well. The service was okay, the staff seemed tired and moody, but that's understandable because of a night shift. The atmosphere felt boring, but very busy.

  • Giovanni Sastrodihardjo

    Giovanni Sastrodihardjo


    Better then KFC and they know the meaning of fast food. The Chicken was crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside and the right amount of spicy.

  • Serge Busropan

    Serge Busropan


    The food is great, but the staff is not friendly. The service isn't so fast for a fastfood chain.

Restaurant in de buurt

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