Princess Casino in Paramaribo

SurinamePrincess Casino


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🕗 openingstijden

Zwartenhovenbrug Straat, Paramaribo, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 472-030
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.829694, Longitude: -55.159961

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Bra Linka


    The place is gorgeous beautiful I love it👌👌👌👌

  • Sherwin Ramoo

    Sherwin Ramoo


    Great hangout

  • en

    Dmitri Shvets


    Very nice place with professional staff

  • Enrico LST

    Enrico LST


    great place to gamble if you feel lucky however the staff is under paid and the management is sloppy

  • David Mentzer

    David Mentzer


    A subsidiary of Ramada Hotels, this place was wonderful! We saw a live Cuban band who learned the words to many native poems and songs put to a Cuban rhythm. The main entrees came out very sporadically (we're talking 30 minutes between individuals entrees) but when finally served they were delicious. However, if you are used to a truly tender steak - even at one of the best restaurants, you'll likely be disappointed -taste great, but expect to cut with a little more force and chew a bit. The fish my wife had was delicious, albeit 30 minutes after my steak was served. The Turkish server was kind and brought the fried peanuts as a snack while everyone awaited their variously timed entree. He was very friendly and seemed to appreciate our limited Turkish from a couple years ago when we visited Istanbul. Very nice gentleman. In the end, we did get to hear some traditional Cuban music, which even my broken body could not resist body movement. I wish I could have taken Irma out on the dance floor with all the moves. The singers from Cuba were incredible singing with Cuban instruments and rhythm to current songs and even putting recently deceased poets works to Cuban rhythm. Jim was kind enough to translate what he understood. A friend of Jim's seemed surprised when I asked if he understood what they were singing but then did admit there are various dialects, some of which he also didn't understand. Kind friends of Jim we didn't all know but very friendly.

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