Readytex Art Gallery in Paramaribo

SurinameReadytex Art Gallery



🕗 openingstijden

46 -48, Maagden Straat, Paramaribo, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 421-750
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8251225, Longitude: -55.1602023

opmerkingen 5

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    If you are interested in Art in general, then this is the prime location to see artwork from Suriname's artists. Its a beautiful gallery with friendly staff. Open almost every day during daytime. The same owner has a craft shop around the corner with a wide selection of local quality craft-work from Amerindian and other tribal people from the interior. And including from artisans who live in the coastal area. you will find something for your self or to make a friend happy.

  • Jesper Bexkens

    Jesper Bexkens


    Erg leuke souvenirwinkel met een groot aanbod. De prijzen zijn alleszins redelijk. Deze winkel kent zijn gelijke niet in Paramaribo. In de winkel heb je ook gratis wi-fi.

  • Lukasz Karda

    Lukasz Karda


    Biggest souvenir shop in Paramaribo. Check out their Art Gallery too.

  • PBM SR

    PBM SR


    They have beautiful itemz

  • Kevin Sanoesie

    Kevin Sanoesie


    Great to buy some unique Surinamese artworks etc.

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