Spice 'n Lime Grand Café in Paramaribo

SurinameSpice 'n Lime Grand Café


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🕗 openingstijden

456, Anton Drachtenweg, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
website: facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8677558, Longitude: -55.10024

opmerkingen 5

  • Orvie KlĂ©berg

    Orvie Kléberg


    Excellent Food! Everybody should try this.

  • Renee English

    Renee English


    Excellent food, cocktails and ambience! Friendly and accommodating staff. They were in the process of updating their lunch menu and we got to try one of their new desserts. The brownie is amazing!!!

  • Dravin S.

    Dravin S.


    Very nicely made. The menu is priced in $. You get bread in advance with every main course. Main course bang bang fillet, but it was still raw (even though it wasn't busy), I got a new plate. Different flavors on the plate, food beautifully presented, delicious flavors. Enjoyed it.

  • Juraci van Mulier

    Juraci van Mulier


    The place to go to if you care for good quality of food and healthy ingredients, great value for money, and an international ambiance. Their 'vegetarian' is my favorite and they also have a lot of super healthy drinks. Great menu, even greater staff.

  • Jolene Ngu Chin Tjon

    Jolene Ngu Chin Tjon


    Because who wouldn't want to enjoy a nice refreshing drink? At Spice 'n Lime you can! I absolutely enjoyed my visit there as a customer with wonderful service. I most definitely recommend the food as well so make sure to stop by! 10/10 you wouldn't want to miss it.

Cafe in de buurt

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