'T vat in Paramaribo

Suriname'T vat



🕗 openingstijden

1, Kleine Waterstraat, Paramaribo, Rainville, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 846-7182
website: vat.sr
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8282086, Longitude: -55.1478867

opmerkingen 5

  • Tracey Johnston-Aldworth

    Tracey Johnston-Aldworth


    Food is good, service is slow.... but if you aren't in a rush, no worries.

  • Cornelus Tol

    Cornelus Tol


    the food is good. We took the Casave soup, it was delicious. But the kibbeling was more dough than fish. They have wifi.

  • Bernardo Neves

    Bernardo Neves


    Terrible service. Make you wait too much time for food that is nothing special. The worst part was that they were trying to not let me pay by card so that they wouldn't pay taxes, and then, when they let us pay by card, made the bill 10€/15$ higher (for a 15€ bill)

  • veronique picard

    veronique picard


    One star is already too much. Club sandwich : big pieces of hard chicken covered with cheese (I suppose), bread not toasted, a few pieces of a tired salad, no sauce. Couldn't eat it. End of the"meal". Can't pay with credit card cause the connexion is too slow. The waitresses thought it was funny. I didn't. Used to be a good place. Never again.

  • john d Lin

    john d Lin


    Get the local non alcoholic drink recommendations, it will cool you off in the super humid weather. Place is centrally and perfectly located to walk around the city so you can't miss it, the name sidewalk cafe cannot be anymore fitting than this. The food is good, get the local recommendations, the chicken is solid here so you can't go wrong with that.

Cafe in de buurt

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