T.B.L. Cinemas in Paramaribo

SurinameT.B.L. Cinemas



🕗 openingstijden

Lalla Rookhweg, Paramaribo, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 463-737
website: www.tblcinemas.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8179963, Longitude: -55.2055183

opmerkingen 5

  • Edward Wijntuin

    Edward Wijntuin


    Jammer genoeg niet wat het was. Hopelijk gaan ze niet failliet. Het is de enigste bioscoop

  • PBM SR

    PBM SR


    The experience used to be good but these days its not what it used to be. Ticket prices are a little bit to the high side, but that's ok. Compared to what they pay abroad, multiple by the current exchange rates and you will not complain about ticket prices. The seats are sometimes nasty. And yes snacks and drinks are over priced just like everywhere else in the world.

  • Clyde Moehamat

    Clyde Moehamat


    Half price on Tuesday... That's the most bang for your buck

  • wie ang

    wie ang


    Nice experience, good quality movies, reasonably spacious seats in the halls and super sound. Negatives: The toilet had no hand soap and toilet paper, which is necessary when it comes to hygiene. The gentlemen who receive the film cards at the stairs sometimes do not come across as pleasant.

  • Donovan Voigt

    Donovan Voigt


    Gooq quality movies with good size seats and fresh popcorn

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