Tran Elite Hotel Apartments w Paramaribo

SurinamTran Elite Hotel Apartments



🕗 godziny otwarcia

143, Gompertstraat, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
kontakt telefon: +597 458-275
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 5.8553738, Longitude: -55.1363862

komentarze 5

  • Bhisham Dindial

    Bhisham Dindial


    Great customer service!! Comfortable, friendly and secure area. lots of businesses are close by for your convenience. I've stayed there 3 times in the past and I'll always return..feels like home away from home..

  • Kennan Stanley-Bey

    Kennan Stanley-Bey


    Really nice people and management at a reasonable price. Beautiful pool / terase area. The hotel is also close to stores and the city center as well.

  • Sabine Berger

    Sabine Berger


    We just returned from a 3 night stay at Tran Elite. Amazing service! Extremely friendly and helpful people. The rooms are nice and spacious. Thanks guys!

  • Radjesh Phagoe

    Radjesh Phagoe


    Staying at Tran Elite is very comfortable, it's not just a room it's an studio apartments and more. Staff is friendly and very helpful, they are willing to help you in any way and at any time of the day. The whole time that i have stayed there i didn't had any complaints or problems, they were even doing some paint jobs and renovations. They can help you even if you need a rental car, nearby are much places if you want some food (restaurants), coffee, shopping, gas station and even ATM's.

  • livingston moxey

    livingston moxey


    Very nice relaxing atmosphere. Staff very friendly and helpful. Located near lots of restaurants an shopping

najbliższy Kwatera

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