Warung Chaz in Tamanredjo

SurinameWarung Chaz



🕗 openingstijden

52, Oost-West Verbinding, Tamanredjo, Meerzorg, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 356-777
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.7849165, Longitude: -55.0316966

opmerkingen 5

  • Ilva Dayo

    Ilva Dayo


    Their food, variety and taste are great. I ate twice in their restaurant. The staff could be bit more friendly to customers. You have to pay extra "fees" if you want to use their air-conditioned dining hall. The washroom could be a bit more cleaned from time to time. Still nice place to eat.

  • Marlene Ramos de Rojas

    Marlene Ramos de Rojas


    I used to eat here, until I found a fly in my soup

  • John Wasidin

    John Wasidin


    Place is very lovely food is also delicious

  • Peter van Maastrigt

    Peter van Maastrigt


    Nice and clean Indonesian restaurant also for take away and catering, along major route from Paramaribo to French Guyana, at Tambaredjo. Good price/quality.

  • Explore SUR

    Explore SUR


    Nice place to eat when you are visiting Tamanredjio. the food is good, the prices are not to high.

Restaurant in de buurt

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