Zeedijk Resort Nickerie in Nieuw Nickerie

SurinameZeedijk Resort Nickerie



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
22, Van Idsingaweg, Nieuw Nickerie, Westelijke Polders, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 852-5970
website: www.zeedijkresortnickerie.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.9609952, Longitude: -57.0244614

opmerkingen 5

  • Anand Jethoe

    Anand Jethoe


    apartment is okay. doush and toilet not convenient. if someone is showering, the next person cannot go to the toilet. because both are in one room with a glass mitten between them. The sofa is in two parts 20 cm in front of the TV and the other half 2.5 meters from the TV. also not conveniently arranged. worth repeating . a big no. . .

  • Sander de Vries

    Sander de Vries


    Good apartment, clean, well maintained. The apartment is in a prime location, 50 meters from the beach and 5 minutes from the center. There is always a cool breeze which is wonderful. Peaceful environment, perfect for relaxing. The apartment is simply furnished, but everything is there that is needed. A TV with Netflix was also a plus.

  • Jay R. (Jay)

    Jay R. (Jay)


    Delivered very dirty. See the photos to see what you will find there. Unhygienic areas! I would like to warn people, do not book here! Is not treated well as a customer and is rented out black. When you request an invoice, you will receive a receipt.

  • Soeradj Rampartaap

    Soeradj Rampartaap


    Dear all. I stayed here in the tulip in January 2022. Photos look good, but this apartment has since deteriorated significantly. Floor tiles damaged, rice cooker etc look dirty. Completely worn out. Mattress also too old. You feel every muscle in the bed. Not a good blanket. Also not good WiFi. All apartments use 1 router. And they call it a resort. But there's nothing to do there. It's just an apartment.

  • Imron Baksh

    Imron Baksh


    Location needs updating. Closer to Vuurtorenweg. I found the place after checking into Hotel Lexor and regretted that decision. Hope this edit and review help to guide you.

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