Zorg en Hoop in Paramaribo

SurinameZorg en Hoop


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🕗 openingstijden

Doekhieweg Oost, Paramaribo, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 401-214
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8111062, Longitude: -55.1907943

opmerkingen 5

  • Vincentius Roue Kenswil

    Vincentius Roue Kenswil


    Important airstrip for Suriname. In need of some serious upgrade.

  • David Kushwaha

    David Kushwaha



  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    Zorg en Hoop Airport is a small airport in the town of Paramaribo. 90% of the flights are Domestic into unpaved airstrips into the Interior of Suriname, The bush-pilots fly with aircraft's like Cessna, Islanders and Twin-otters. It is not equipped for flights at night. There is also the Suriname air-force based. but they do not have much to fly with. most of the flights are chartered by tribal people of small tourism companies.

  • PBM SR

    PBM SR


    The port to the amazon, you take flight to the beautiful interior at this airport. Open during the daytime only. The Entrance To the Dep/Arrival hall is at Doekhieweg oost, along with all the airline companies.

  • Ron Don

    Ron Don


    Hier is de gateway naar het binnenland.

Luchthaven in de buurt

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