Ston Eiland i Brownsweg

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SurinamSton Eiland


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XVJ2+VHG, Brownsweg, Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 883-2929
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Latitude: 4.9821983, Longitude: -55.1485568

kommentar 5

  • Stacy Campbell

    Stacy Campbell


    It was very nice quiet nice clean room bath room perfect place to relax i would go there again and again also thank for the tour operater jurgen john my husband he was the perfect person to spend my time time with there love it.

  • Bonnie Pattinama

    Bonnie Pattinama


    Amazing! Such a beautiful place, the tour guide Daniel was absolutely wonderful, very nice good cook and good driver. The houses were also great, nice bed, clean shower and toilet and working fan. Overall an amazing experience, would definitely recommend!

  • Man NEPALI

    Man NEPALI


    Every places have their own unique sepecelity

  • Rowan



    Very nice and quiet place. The rooms are budget, so don't expect luxury! Lovely view over the lake. You can visit nearby island, go for a swim, or try and catch a piranha! Don't forget a mosquito repellent! Our room had a mosquito net, but I got stung several times while walking outside.

  • Explore SUR

    Explore SUR


    Nice place to enjoy the sun. Camping, swimming, relaxing in the nature. You can also hire local boats to visit more islands close by

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