Berg en Dal Resort i Berg en Dal

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SurinamBerg en Dal Resort


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Martin Luther Kingweg, Berg en Dal, Klaaskreek, SR Suriname
kontakter telefon: +597 475-050
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Latitude: 5.1494181, Longitude: -55.0692379

kommentar 5

  • Eemil Nikula

    Eemil Nikula


    Helllo! My cousin lives there. Could you...

  • Padraic McMickle

    Padraic McMickle


    Perfect place to relax and let go of the world while enjoying nature. I needed to get away and forget the stress and this place was perfect for that. Quiet at night, morning you could hear nature coming to life, evenings just being lazy and enjoying sitting next to the river. I was lucky enough to catch some monkeys going through the trees while sipping coffee on my balcony. The menu was good, local foods and some things for the less adventurous. The drinks from the bar were standard choices, but that suits me fine since I am a beer guy. I definitely plan to bring my parents here when they visit (they at 75). I 100% loves it here and look forward to a return.

  • Bob



    A nice hideaway to escape the bustling city. Get a lodge overlooking the rainforest and enjoy the comfort. Service should be of a higher standard. I highly recommend to offer the staff a series of proper hotel school trainings to deliver service as expected according to its price and “image”.

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    Do not expect the luxury of high end resorts like in Azia, but in general good standards friendly personnel and lovely accommodation on a great location. You will find two type of lodges, like mountain lodges and river view lodges. the beds are great and the lodges convenient, with indoor coffee maker, desk, and modern bathroom with rain shower. The restaurant situated along the Suriname river caters a international menu with a local touch. There is is nice pool and adventure center with a canopy zipp line nearby.

  • Stanley Brul

    Stanley Brul


    Very nice place with a beautiful view of river and forest. People are extremely kind and the food is awesome. Things to keep working on are the maintenance of the garden, pool and Lodges. As I tell my sons it can always be better😊 Especially the pool needs serious maintenance of its tiles. Still a highly recommendable place....great for trips to Brokopondo and Afobaka, Brownsberg and to Kayak or make a historical hike up the 'blauwe berg'.

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