Afobaka Resort in Afobakadam

SurinameAfobaka Resort


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🕗 openingstijden

Afobakaweg Omgeving, Afobakadam, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 554-686
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.9883522, Longitude: -54.9880076

opmerkingen 5

  • Javiera Alvarado Duran

    Javiera Alvarado Duran


    We love our stayed but we wait around 2 hours for our lunch.

  • Rayhen Meerberg

    Rayhen Meerberg


    Kinda far in distance but the waters nice, and food just fantastic, would love if there were more dishes in the morning though

  • Angelica Findlay

    Angelica Findlay


    The resort was very clean and the location is beautiful! The food is very delicious!

  • Kelly Goodwin

    Kelly Goodwin


    A great weekend trip with several families. We stayed at cabin 8 and it had a water view of a small lake! The beach area is nice and clean with some shaded picnic areas and a playground for kids. Highly recommend 🙌

  • Daenerys W

    Daenerys W


    Afobaka Resort is such a nice place to stay at! You will completely relax. All lodges are far away from each other, so you have a lot of privacy. the restaurant with an overview of the river is super impressive. The staff is very customer friendly and helpful, they even come to the beach in the water when you are relaxing at the beach. 10/10

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