Afobaka Stafdorp in Brokopondo District

SurinameAfobaka Stafdorp


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🕗 openingstijden

X2X3+GFH, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.9988042, Longitude: -54.9962701

opmerkingen 5

  • Morino Ravenberg

    Morino Ravenberg


    The view is nice you get a few over the valley below as well as the reservoir so the electrical down the only drawback is that there's no contact information or anything else knowing about this place so it is as far as I know and I'm aware of a private place that belongs to the company Aluminum Company.

  • Joan Geerlings

    Joan Geerlings


    The place is perfect! A nice overview from the mountain. Beautiful nature and amazing sunrises. The houses are in need of maintenance, especially the bathrooms need more attention. The kitchen inventory is limited. We were not aware, for example, that there were no towels and tea towels. Very difficult! Also no large glass or plastic dishes. (The house is suitable for 15 people or more!) All pots made of aluminum, without protective coating! Not so good for your health & you especially can't add raw vegetable salads to which acid has been added!

  • Ivy Ramjiawan

    Ivy Ramjiawan


    Great view. Nice swimmingpool. Nice houses, fully airconditioned

  • Ronald Kruijt

    Ronald Kruijt


    Stafford is dated and is changing hands

  • Sergio Cairo

    Sergio Cairo


    Fishing, eating, learning!

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