Baka Foto in Paramaribo

SurinameBaka Foto



🕗 openingstijden

Fort Zeelandia, Abraham Crijnssenweg 1,, Paramaribo, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 856-2442
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.825006, Longitude: -55.149701

opmerkingen 5

  • Timothy Lie

    Timothy Lie


    The wagyu beef with foie gras as appetizer and the truffle pasta with beef was exquisite 👌

  • MKE Abroad

    MKE Abroad


    Great chicken on this Caesar salad. Probably the nicest restaurant you are going to find in Paramaribo. Decent wine selection, and a Parbo bier is a must.

  • joyce arteaga

    joyce arteaga


    Beautiful gem !!in Suriname 🇸🇷 this is one of the best restaurant in town I love this combination of modern cuisine and local taste definitely I recommend a visit is a must !the service is Amazing the ambience do elegant …Carol and her team are amazing we bought our catch of the day and they cook for us !!!!an amazing dinner with the fish 🎣 that we got from the lake Brokopondo the chef did wonders with our fish they make our visit in Suriname to remember!!!

  • Stephanie Baksh

    Stephanie Baksh


    The host is really good at his job. Staff is friendly. Before we went, we had already dined at another restaurant. So our visit was sudden, after visiting the museum above and around Baka Foto. We therefore only had appetizers and drinks. But the food was really delicious. The classy ambiance goes well with the historic architecture and location across the Suriname river. Planning a visit soon!

  • Richard Atherton

    Richard Atherton


    Awesome food in a stunning and historical setting. So greatful that they made the extra effort to squeeze me in without a reservation on Mother's Day and organized a special table for me - Thank you!!

Restaurant in de buurt

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