Torarica Resort in Paramaribo

SurinameTorarica Resort


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🕗 openingstijden

Mr. L.J. Rietbergplein 1, Paramaribo, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 471-500
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.828341, Longitude: -55.1464157

opmerkingen 5

  • alicia esau

    alicia esau


    The best experience ever. Amazing house keeping by Ebonie. Lovely bartenders. Staff treated me like a queen.

  • Ifeanyichukwu Charles Nweke

    Ifeanyichukwu Charles Nweke


    Torarica is ideally located at the heart of the city within walking distance of Central areas, including restaurants. It boasts of a lively environment that will leave you feeling at home after long flight hours. Swimmers may find their swimming pool very welcoming, and the bars entertain you back-to-back with Afrobeat hit songs. Their gym is among the best I have used in any hotel or resort. Amiable staff!

  • Dennis Yu

    Dennis Yu


    This has to be the swankiest place in the country. Amazing breakfast that runs until 11 am. But the jacuzzi and pool isn’t open late.

  • Keabra OpongBrown

    Keabra OpongBrown


    The pool side restaurant is wonderful, and our server Christal was absolutely excellent. The food was delicious, at an accesible price, and the ambience is inviting. I love that there were multiple vegan options as well. A must in Paramaribo. Highly recommend.

  • Gideon Sanstra

    Gideon Sanstra


    The place is dated, elevators build in 1990, rooms look like worn IKEA furniture. Prices are European, with very tasting food when you get it, but service is redicoulously slow. Check in was good, friendly and helpful, but no early check in available. The bad, service is so slow! We had to wait 2 hours for our food to arrive for dinner, and only got food after raising it as completely unacceptable (full disclosure, after a lot of in action service fee was dropped). Scenery is nice, though.

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