Carolina Kreek in Sabakoe

SurinameCarolina Kreek


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🕗 openingstijden

9RVR+9JF, Sabakoe, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 853-2977
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.3934335, Longitude: -55.1584482

opmerkingen 5

  • E E

    E E


    A very nice place to spend the day with friends or family. Too bad there was a lot of noise pollution from loud music played by many people, Many people come here also to rest and be away from the noise and stess of the city.. This should not be allowed.

  • Riena Badloe

    Riena Badloe


    This is one of my favourite places. They have also a pool for childeren. Water is always cold. i like there when its not crowded, then u enjoy the nature. if u want to enjoy the nature, don't go in the vacation period.

  • Imtiaz Matab

    Imtiaz Matab


    Really nice place has a playground for kids A pool table for the adults i just love that place

  • Mannav Narris

    Mannav Narris


    Good trip...very enjoying place We had a lots of fun...

  • Hampton



    Good place to relax and BbQ.

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