Overbridge River Resort in La Simplicite

SurinameOverbridge River Resort


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🕗 openingstijden

La Simplicite, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 490-835
website: overbridge.sr
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.5278284, Longitude: -55.0515644

opmerkingen 5

  • E E

    E E


    A nice place to relax, alone or with family and friends. It has so much more potential if it is better maintained. The natural water pool needs to be changed more often, more hygienic. Restaurant service is too slow, but the food is good.

  • Ryan



    The place is not too far from Paramaribo. The road was in good state. The rooms were nice and clean, with airconditioning. They should place some more lights in the walkways, because it gets really dark at night. They have a warmed pool which we really enjoyed at night. We found the ‘infinity pool’ dirty, because it looked like the water wasn’t constantly refreshed. The other ‘beach areas’ are dependent on the water levels of the river. The breakfast could be better with a little more variety. You can get lunch at the restaurant which was better than expected. The service was overal okay. Would definitely recommend.

  • Nicholas Narine

    Nicholas Narine


    Could not swim in the pool by the Riverside due to piranhas being in the pool I got bit and also a few people in the pool as well We complained but nothing got done They made excuses saying it was crayfish....it was no CRAYFISH I clearly saw a piranha Severly disappointed by the way they handled the situation especially when it comes to safety makes me think twice for coming back

  • Pengel Family

    Pengel Family


    Eco-friendly resort right on the Suriname river with fully furnished rooms that are clean with a HOT shower. The staff and service is impeccable and affordable. One of Suriname best kept secrets!

  • Tina Mohamed

    Tina Mohamed


    🇬🇾 Love this resort. The cabin was clean, the kids enjoyed the pool. It’s a nice get away for the family. However did not enjoy the dinner as much i I thought we would. We order 2 fish meal ;we asked if it was grilled fish and was told yes but when we got it, it fried fish. Breakfast was good though. Oh you guys need to do an English menu too for guests that don’t speak Dutch. Other than that everything was great. Would love to make it as a yearly visit to the resort. 😘

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