pingpe_jungleresort_suriname in Sipaliwini District




🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
Boven Suriname, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 885-8525
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.0411382, Longitude: -55.4484632

opmerkingen 5

  • Henk Staal

    Henk Staal


    Beautiful surroundings, reasonably comfortable houses. Many problems with the facilities. No sheet, no towel, little or no water from the tap. No cool drinks because the big generator wasn't working. Coffee on, tea on, margarine on eggs. Guide Elli not solution-oriented.

  • Sjaak Greeuw

    Sjaak Greeuw


    Beautiful location back to nature great guide (chapeau) nice trip to the pineapple mountain food was good lovely veranda with hammock, a lot was told about life in the villages and a lovely swim in the river TOP.

  • Deric Lima (Zuka)

    Deric Lima (Zuka)


    Beautiful place, the owner Chapeau is a very kind person and very responsive. He helped me a lot to arrange transportation on how to get to the resort. They offer some daily activities like visit to the local village of PenPen and a day hike to the pineapple mountain. I found their price high for the services and infrastructure they provide. It will be more reasonable if they lower their prices a bit.

  • Dianne Kottier

    Dianne Kottier


    A wonderful base for beautiful excursions. The very hospitable owner Chapeau is also a good guide. Nice way to get to know real village life in the jungle, take beautiful hikes and boat trips. Great houses with private bathrooms and delicious food.

  • Bart Vink

    Bart Vink


    A beautiful place with a lovely atmosphere. Most houses have a nice veranda on the water and their own toilet and shower. The beds have mosquito nets, but the insects weren't too bad in October. Also on the veranda in the evening. Chapeau, Ian and Fabrice organized a nice tour every day, to villages in the area or walks through the forest. The boat trip to Tapawatra waterfalls was beautiful. You can enjoy swimming there. Simple but tasty meals. Recommended!

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