Fredberg Suriname in Warnakomoponafaja

SurinameFredberg Suriname


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🕗 openingstijden

JGX3+PPC, Warnakomoponafaja, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 894-8661
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.6493157, Longitude: -55.4957198

opmerkingen 5

  • Jetske Vaas

    Jetske Vaas


    Absolutely fantastic! The guides are great, because they grew up in the forest. The food on the mountain is better than we've gotten in luxury hotels. And the view is beautiful! The walk was not too bad for me. Get over the heat and sweat and enjoy this mosquito-free experience!

  • Patrick Woei

    Patrick Woei


    Excellent spot to be close to nature. Fabulous hike and magnificent views over the jungle. Also enjoyed the many Screaming Pihas in the area.

  • Robert Van Tuyl

    Robert Van Tuyl


    Fred mountain is a beautiful spot in the untouched Amazon jungle about 4 hours from Paramaribo. Two night trip required thru Fred tours. It’s a moderate to difficult hike up the mountain (4km one way). No boat trip required and the breakfast / dinner was excellent ! Fred Basecamp is very nice as well and well organized . Highly recommended

  • donovan honggodikromo

    donovan honggodikromo


    Very Adventurous. Very basic . Very beautiful

  • Bruno Blondé

    Bruno Blondé


    Superb view and an impressive experience!

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