Isadou vakantie eiland Jaw Jaw in Jaw Jaw

SurinameIsadou vakantie eiland Jaw Jaw


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🕗 openingstijden

CJFH+HWF, Jaw Jaw, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.4239485, Longitude: -55.3702056

opmerkingen 5

  • sheila j

    sheila j


    The people are friendly and helpful. There is always a room to share. The overall view is breathtaking with rocks and small waterfalls

  • Raoul Oesmanadi

    Raoul Oesmanadi


    Amazing vacation resort!

  • Johnny Clark

    Johnny Clark


    This is not a luxurious resort, but it is incredibly relaxing getaway. Accommodations are…rustic. No fans or Wi-Fi or A/C, but you do have electricity after 7PM (bring your own power strip) and your own bathroom. It is the perfect place to disconnect and recharge. We went with Celestial tours and they were very professional and friendly before, during, and after our stay.

  • Ruiz Paidin

    Ruiz Paidin


    Great tour operator (thanks, Celestial Tours!) and crew. Amazing getaway, surrounded by sulas (rapids)!

  • Rutger de Witt Wijnen

    Rutger de Witt Wijnen


    A beautiful spot in the middle of the Surinam jungle at a rapid in the river. However, service and friendliness of (some) staff is far below the typical Surinam level of hospitality. The place has grown too fast and management can't cope.

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