TeiWei Gunsi in Aurora

SurinameTeiWei Gunsi


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🕗 openingstijden

9JQ5+89, Aurora, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597
website: m.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.3883125, Longitude: -55.3915625

opmerkingen 4

  • Mara van Aartrijk

    Mara van Aartrijk


    Lovely place with beautiful views over the river and the rapids. The huts are simple but provide what is needed. We had Olan from Inside Surinam Tours as our guide and he shared a lot of knowledge with us and had wonderful experiences. Such as swimming in the river and a beautiful trip through the jungle. We also visited Gunsi village and learned a lot about the culture. Highly recommended if you want to get out of the city and enjoy the forest and the river. The trip there by canoe is also a beautiful experience!

  • Daphne van Manen

    Daphne van Manen


    Great place to stay inland. We immediately felt at home. It is run by people who come from the village themselves. Kukcy is a fantastic guide. And Cyrano a great administrator. Had a lovely swim in the sula and to the beach across the street. Had a nice walk in the woods and visited the village. We had been to inland villages before and this was the first time I didn't feel bad walking around them. Our children played football and swimming with boys from the village. Beautiful views from the houses. Thank you for the nice and personal welcome!

  • Jette Roelevink

    Jette Roelevink


    A warm welcome to this Eco resort on the Suriname River.

  • Mark Dekker

    Mark Dekker


    Wonderful life here, massage by the flowing water in Sula

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