Godo Lelydorp in Lelydorp

SurinameGodo Lelydorp



🕗 openingstijden

MQVM+438, Lelydorp, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 421-546
website: www.godo.sr
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.6927971, Longitude: -55.2173091

opmerkingen 5

  • venus alanterie

    venus alanterie


    generally godo is positive for me..especially godo emperor street

  • Mr D.s.M

    Mr D.s.M


    Negative: Bank used to be good..now its bad ....really bad...nobody picks up when u call....nobody apps or chats back when u use their whatsapp or online website chat....email them and u never get a response...i dont know if they are lazy or dont have enough personnel maybe because they only have a few buildings in Suriname..the security dude (1 out of the 3 ) is rude,never knows how to help ..always late to point out stufff and just sits ,barely stands up to make sure every guest is okey (thanks to covid ..the serurity has to help out) when arriving there...U also have to wait so long just to get your number called to get to talk to a desk staff....just skip this bank!!!! Positive: The staff are nice 2 out of the 3 security team are nice

  • jewel kijzer

    jewel kijzer


  • astrid van engel

    astrid van engel


    Fast Service, Friendly Staff

  • Direct Trending

    Direct Trending


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