VCB bank in Lelydorp

SurinameVCB bank



🕗 openingstijden

MQWM+F48, Lelydorp, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 366-900
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.6961571, Longitude: -55.2171836

opmerkingen 5

  • extreme paintball N.V. -Suriname

    extreme paintball N.V. -Suriname


    Almost 40 minutes in the building nobody even cares why im here for. Still in the waiting line to open a second account at this same bank. No tickets with numbers, so no order in who they help first

  • Sander de Gier

    Sander de Gier


    I stood in line for 4 hours to deposit 500 SRD. There was no seating and no number system so you can wait to be called. Tip: arrange seats and indicate the waiting time in advance so that the customer can choose whether they want to wait 4 hours or not. Many customers have also walked away. Unfortunately not an option for me because it had to be deposited today.

  • L Kort

    L Kort


    Clean, friendly service.

  • Direct Trending

    Direct Trending


    Not easy to park your car

  • Explore SUR

    Explore SUR


    Vcb near lelydorp so the people from this area don't need to go to Paramaribo.

Bank in de buurt

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